our classes

You don’t have to be fit to start, but you do need to start to get fit!

If you want to become fit and strong, learn new skills, meet new people and have a great time, then you have found the right place. Join the camaraderie and community!

Book in now

You’ll also see Team Saturdays on a Saturday morning for a fun, team based workout.


OPTION 1: I’m new to weightlifting/gymnastic/functional fitness.

We want your first experience of the gym to be amazing. If you don’t have any weightlifting/gymnastic/functional fitness experience, a class can be quite daunting, we recommend you do a free taster in our ‘CF Power’ class, which is on a Monday & Tuesday at 18.30. This is generally a slightly quieter class with no complex movements, but still a great class for strength and fitness, where the coach can adapt the workout to your experience level, and give tailored advice during the class. Book a FREE TASTER CLASS.


When you love the free taster and sign up with our Unlimited Membership, you’ll get a half price fundamentals session which will be £25 (instead of £50) which is recommended to ensure you understand all the movements you can expect in all of our classes. It will be a 60min 1-1 session with owner Lauren and you’ll come out with a good understanding of the movements. Contact us to Book.

OPTION 2: I have experience in weightlifting/gymnastic/functional fitness.

If you have experience in Weightlifting/Gymnastic movements, book a FREE TASTER CLASS or purchase a MEMBERSHIP.

Movements covered in the fundamentals:

  • Back squat/Front squat

  • Overhead Press (push press, push jerk, split jerk)

  • Deadlift

  • Clean

  • Snatch

  • Pull up & Press up regressions & progressions

  • Kip Swing/Toes to Bar

  • Single & Double Unders